It's Saturday here for me as I write this letter.
Let me tell you a story.
A guy created the sweetest pineapple juice ever seen in the entire village of Amalu.
He created it by using both the peels of pineapple as well as the fruit, but he added a secret ingredient that nobody knew.
Because of how sweet the pineapple was, he expected to become rich in one month.
Everyday, he would bring out his juice bottles in front of his father's compound with a big signboard to publicize his products. Everyday up to 50 people passed his shop, and up to 10 bought everyday.
3 months came, and he was making some money, with people hailing him, but the money was too small to really help him.
One day after thinking hard, he decided to get a big truck and took his products and billboard to the parkside where thousands of people pass everyday.
That was the first day he sold up to 150 products.
Gotten the story yet?
Alright, Let me just (kuku) say it.
"It doesn't matter if your product gives wisdom and understanding. If people don't know about it, they can't buy it."
Put your products out there.
There's this rule I heard from Vusi Thembekwayo - A business mogul in South Africa.
It's the 10-4-1 rule.
If you advertise your product, for every 10 people who see it, 4 will take interest, but only 1 will buy.
So, what do you do if you want 10 people to buy? Well, that means you need to show it to 100 people right?
What if you wanted up to 1000 people to buy? That's 10,000 people yeah?
What if you want to sell 10,000 units?(You are getting the gist now.)
So, for the next step, how do you get a lot of people to see your product, and hence, increase your chances of selling them?
The answer is through Adverts.
For clarity purposes, there are over 2 billion people on Facebook, and over 50 million are Nigerians.
Maybe you are in a state like Kaduna, there may be more than 1 million people in your state who are on Facebook, or who have WhatsApp numbers.
Imagine, you could tell Facebook to show your products to 50,000 people around your state, and maybe 200 of them eventually buy from you, would that be a good deal? And these new customers will keep buying from you if you treat them right.
Facebook knows everything about your customers, and can help you get more potential new customers if you learn how to use them.
(To learn how to run Facebook ads, simply go to YouTube and type Facebook ads tutorial.
I recommend the one by Ken Ndubuisi)
That's how business works. It's a numbers game. It's the same thing with Whatsapp TVS. Many of them have up to 5k views daily.
Connect with them and let them help you broadcast your products.
But you need to choose the right one or your money will just go missing.
So, what I have done for you is that I have written an Ebook on Online marketing, how it works, and how you can apply it to your business to make profits. It is a must have for every entrepreneur.
You can get your copy by clicking below.
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