3 Things to Consider when doing Business

My Letters to you are gradually coming to an end. They are just two more left after this one.

But don't worry, if you have gotten my Ebook, you won't stop hearing from me. I will never leave nor forsake you 😅😅 (Dramatic)

Get the E-Book here

Alright, let's look at something that most people in business do not really consider when they start a business

1. It takes a while to convince a person that you are the right person for them

2. You have to show up for them everyday and prove that you are the right choice

3. They will finally make up their mind, and then love you for life, If you keep showing up in them.

This is now sounding like a relationship class. Please I am still talking about business here oo.

There's a rule in Business. I think it's called the 7 rule or something, but it simply means that people will only be interested in what you have to say after they have seen you or your flier up to seven times.

Yes, More than 70% of your sales will likely not come at first contact. You are not the Lord Jesus.

Our brains don't register something until we see it like 7 times.

So, you should not be offended that people are not taking your offer. They need to see it up to 7 times before it will make sense to them.

That's also why you have to save their numbers (for Whatsapp) or make sure they are followers (on Instagram or Facebook)

That's why I taught you about building a list last time. Read it again if you didn't get it the first time.

Use a sign up form, get their details and follow them up with your content and offers. The best platform for this from research and advice is Email Marketing, and I plan to admit you to my Email family in soon(if I believe you are really passionate about your business)

Remember this lesson, that's why you have to show up everyday. It building trust, it's proving you're the best.

I rest my case now.

I'm getting tired as I write this to you, and i should go eat, but I believe you got the message? Yeah?

Now, find out the kinds of content you should be posting to make your customers become friends that buy from you in my New Ebook.

So, what I have done for you is that I have written an Ebook on Online marketing, how it works, and how you can apply it to your business to make profits. It is a must have for every entrepreneur.

You can get your copy by clicking below.

Get it here.

I wrote it just for you, and it's less than 50 pages long.

I Love you? (Let someone married not see this one oo)


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About this blog

This is a Collection of 12 Letters that represent hundreds of hours of learning, studying and implementing business strategies and secrets to making a lot of money and growing your business.

Please read every one of them and implement the lessons.

I'm rooting for you.