How to be Ahead of 70% of people doing Business online


Can you guess what the most important thing is in your business?

Is it your skill? Is it your product? Is it your customer? Is it your investors? Is it your marketing systems? Is it your your excellent service?

What exactly must you never lose in a business, especially one done online? Can you guess?

Okay, I will give you a hundred dollars if you get it?

The answer is Your List.

Your List of customers - Old customers, new customers, potential customers, long time customers etc.

Do you know why your List is the most important thing? Because it is how you will keep making money till you die (by now, you should know I'm a tad dramatic when writing).

But seriously though, you will never go hungry again if you have a loyal list and know how to work it.

This is how your Celebrities make money - A loyal follower base.

If it's a musician, any new album they release, their followers will just rush it. They have a steady income because of their followers.

In your business, you should constantly be doing two things: Increasing Your Customer List and Maintaining the List you have.

If you can do this, you will have people who buy from you, who can keep buying, and who can refer their family and friends to you.

So, how do you increase your customer List?

By offering something Free (I taught you that in Letter number 7)

Everybody likes Free, so offer something free, in exchange for their followership or saving their mobile number.

That's growing your list.

Remember to offer something free related to your product and that solves some of the little problems your customers may have now.

That is how you attract only those interested in what you have to offer.

If for example you are a graphics designer, one problem your potential customer (a business person) can have is that people are not clicking their Adverts, so you can create a template of "100 powerful headlines that make people click ads"

But, before you give this template, you get their phone numbers using a sign up form like Cognito forms or Google forms

Or you could lead them to your Facebook page to get the free template. You may have to run ads for this yourself.

2. How do you maintain your List?

By creating consistent valuable content.

That's all.

E go be naw.

Meanwhile, I love to remind you that if you want to get ahead of 70% of people doing business online, you should get my E-book on

So, what I have done for you is that I have written an Ebook on Online marketing, how it works, and how you can apply it to your business to make profits. It is a must have for every entrepreneur.

You can get your copy by clicking below.

"How to Make Millions from your online business" (Get it here).

The customer who bought from you is the one who will buy again, provided your product/service is good - Goods and Sales Law (1925 - Kingdavid)


K.D ✌️

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About this blog

This is a Collection of 12 Letters that represent hundreds of hours of learning, studying and implementing business strategies and secrets to making a lot of money and growing your business.

Please read every one of them and implement the lessons.

I'm rooting for you.